
Linux PPPP服务器配置IP地址技术教程

在本文中,我们将学习如何在Linux系统中配置PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol)服务器的IP地址,PPP是一种用于在两个网络设备之间建立点对点连接的协议,常用于拨号上网,下面我们将详细讲解如何进行配置。





sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install inetutils-ppp




sudo yum install inetutils-ppp




sudo nano /etc/ppp/options




IPCP_PARAMS="ipcp-accept-local", "ipcp-accept-remote", "user" "your_username", "password" "your_password"





sudo mkdir /var/run/sshd




sudo nano /etc/ppp/chap-secrets




your_username * * * * * * * * your_password * * * * * * * * * * *





sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config




Use the user-specified authentication information. (This takes precedence over any other methods.)

User your_username your_password

AllowUsers your_username@localhost and your_username@remotehost (Replace remotehost with the IP address of your server)

CheckUserIP no (Allow users from any host to connect)

PermitRootLogin yes (Allow root login)

PasswordAuthentication yes (Require a password for logging in)

PubkeyAuthentication yes (Require a public key for logging in) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the following lines and set the correct path to your public key file using the PubkeyAuthenticationOptions directive. For example: PubkeyAuthenticationOptions trypublickey=yes:~/.ssh/ Replace "trypublickey" with the name you want to give this option, and adjust the paths accordingly. The default is "yes".) (Optional) If you want to use public key authentication, uncomment the


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